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Homeowner? 3 Signs You Need Foundation Repair

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As a homeowner, the foundation may be something you do not think about often. It is something that you should do, however, as you can have foundation problems. In many cases, not repairing the foundation will result in major damage to your home from your home sinking to structural damage. Keep reading for three signs you need to hire a contractor to repair your foundation.  Cracks in Foundation It is common to have some cracks in a foundation, but some cracks can be dangerous. Read More»

Roofing Repair Tips For Leaks

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If your roof is currently leaking, something structurally is going on to cause water to get in. This is one of the more serious roofing issues you could face, so a prompt repair is appropriate. Just make sure you use these insights throughout this repair process. Determine How Much Water is Getting In It’s important to understand how severe the roof leak is because that will dictate what actions you take next. Read More»

The Ultimate Guide To Cleaning Up Water Damage In Your Home

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Water damage can be a lot of work to deal with—especially if the problem is an existing issue that has been neglected. Restoration is an important process that you should not take lightly. With every second your home is exposed to water damage, the problem is going to grow worse. The following water damage information will help you with the restoration process: Start with the Hazards Be very aware of safety hazards when you initially notice water damage. Read More»

How A Foundation Contractor Might Repair Your Home's Damaged Foundation With Piers

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If it seems like the interior of your home is sloping, it may not be your imagination. If the soil under your home shifts enough, the center of your home might begin to slope downward along with the soil. That’s a serious problem that should be checked out by a foundation contractor without delay because the issue could get worse. Here’s a look at how a foundation contractor might go about making repairs to your foundation. Read More»

3 Reasons To Leave Black Water Damage To The Pros

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When it comes to water damage, many professionals single out two potentially risky categories: greywater and black water. Both of these terms refer to wastewater, although with different levels of contamination. Greywater usually refers to relatively clean wastewater, such as anything that goes down your kitchen sink or shower drain. On the other hand, black water is highly hazardous. In less generous terms, black water refers to sewage or any wastewater potentially carrying human waste. Read More»